Treatment of initial symptoms during cramps.

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The problem of cramps is a common problem that everyone, every family has experienced. It does not necessarily happen to athletes or during exercise, but it can happen to ordinary people.

Cramps are temporary muscle contractions that occur automatically without our intention, causing muscle tension. They also occur from overusing muscles while running, which can cause nerve inflammation. In addition, people who lack minerals or water in their bodies can experience muscle fatigue.

Exercise Associated Muscle Cramps (EAMC) ทางเข้า ufabet or Exercise Associated Muscle Cramps are caused by severe muscle contractions that do not relax. Although they are temporary and harmless, they can be painful and cause the muscle to become paralyzed.

Most cramps are not dangerous, except in certain situations, such as when swimming, which can be life-threatening. Generally, when cramps occur while exercising, you should take a break from exercising and not force yourself. If you have rested, you should stretch your muscles to loosen the tensed muscles. If it is the calf muscles, you can ask someone else to help by adjusting the position so that the knee is straight and then lift the ankle up as high as possible. Hold for a while and repeat 5 to 10 times to help reduce muscle tension.

First aid treatment

Muscle cramps will contract, so you have to slowly stretch the muscle to its normal length and keep stretching the muscle until the pain goes away. This may take about 1-2 minutes and then try to release it to see if the cramps are still there. If it happens again, repeat until the cramps go away. For example.

Basic prevention of cramps before running

  • Drink enough water. Since running causes the body to lose sweat, which consists of water and electrolytes, if you don’t drink enough water before and after exercising, it will cause an electrolyte imbalance. Therefore, drinking enough water helps prevent cramps and if they do occur, they won’t be as painful.
  • Warm-up before running. Stretching your muscles before running can help prevent muscle injuries.
  • Do not overdo it. Avoid or reduce running that causes excessive muscle tension. For beginner runners, do not overdo it. Or if you feel that your muscles are starting to tighten, you should rest or stop running.
  • Increase your intake of calcium and potassium , such as drinking milk, orange juice, and bananas, to nourish the body and reduce the incidence of cramps.


Often, people who have cramp are massaged, sometimes causing more severe cramps. Some people help lift their ankles, but do not hold them there. Lifting them up and down in a jerky motion, which is not good. Remember to lift your ankles up and down and hold them there for 1-2 minutes until the cramps and pain go away. If you want to use massage after the pain is gone, use the massage technique from the Achilles tendon up to the calf to the crease in one direction. This allows the direction of the blood flow back to the heart, which will help improve blood circulation.